Short Story: “Best Served Chilled”

Last week, I blogged about wrapping up the 2019 Inktober challenge, and I mentioned that I would be doing my own version of the NaNoWriMo challenge for November. I’ve never been able to join in previous years because I was pouring all of my waking energy into publishing my Elf Gate novel series. But thisContinue reading “Short Story: “Best Served Chilled””

Some Enchanted Evening

Speaking of fan-fictions in my previous article on this blog made me take another look at some of the ones I’ve written over the years. One in particular caught my eye. It was a one-shot short story set in the world of Morrowind (and Elder Scrolls game). And it was about a dark elf whoContinue reading “Some Enchanted Evening”

Farewell to Fan-fiction?

This year I killed three of my “freebie” publishing accounts. Two were dedicated to sharing beta stages of my Elf Gate series novels. One was dedicated to fan-fictions. Why pull them down? The short answer is … I need to focus on monetizing my original works. The long answer involves things like reviews petering outContinue reading “Farewell to Fan-fiction?”

Elf Gate Update: The Teufling

I had to share this painting I did just before Halloween because only two weeks later, it is “nekkid” to the bare bones with not a single leaf. What happened to early autumn?! I’m already wearing thick snowflake socks and two layers of shirts, opening my windows to frost in the mornings now! Anyway, asContinue reading “Elf Gate Update: The Teufling”

Update: Elf Gate Series Book Six

I haven’t shared much on my writing progress in a while, so today I’m sharing the current scene I’m working on for the Elf Gate Series Book 6. There are two tentative working titles, so I haven’t been able to narrow down exactly what to call this one yet. And this is deep into theContinue reading “Update: Elf Gate Series Book Six”

Summer Endings and Portfolio Beginnings

  Thought I’d take a break from doing book reviews for a moment to offer some updates on other things going on with me. After all, this blog isn’t just about book reviews. I’m excited to review the book I’m currently reading, Old in Art School: a Memoir of Starting Over by Nell Painter, butContinue reading “Summer Endings and Portfolio Beginnings”

The Worry About Word Count

I’m still cleaning out my old blog, and today an old article I wrote about word count caught my eye, so I’m revising it. At the time, I was writing the third revision of The Atheling. My first reconstructed draft was about 200K. The second finished at 180K. And at the time I was writingContinue reading “The Worry About Word Count”

The Dragonling: Chapter 1, “Brinnan Burning”

Last week I announced the title for my 5th book, Dragonling. : the 5th volume in the Elf Gate series. This week, for some reason, I feel compelled to share the first chapter. 🙂 I’ve never shared large blocks of my writing on my blog before, though I’ve shared drafts on private sites and placesContinue reading “The Dragonling: Chapter 1, “Brinnan Burning””

First Drafts

Wow, I really dropped off of planet Blogosphere for the month, didn’t I? Heh. Sorry about that. I told myself I’d try to do better with social media this year, but turned out only one post for February. Well, my excuse is I’ve been busy writing. I’ve been pushing myself long hours to progress onContinue reading “First Drafts”

Writer’s Block Rescue: Character Development Between Games and Novels, Pt. 3

If you missed parts one and two of this topic, you can find them here: Part 1: The Basic Methods Behind the Madness Part 2: Tracking a Character’s Evolution to Show How It’s Done In this third and final segment, I’m going to offer a few more examples on how to mix, match, and adaptContinue reading “Writer’s Block Rescue: Character Development Between Games and Novels, Pt. 3”