New Adult Genre

I have decided to market my books from now on as new adult dark fantasy. Of course, new book genres will depend on what they are. But the eight that form the Elf Gate series are best defined as new adult dark fantasy. So, what exactly is new adult? The short answer is the ageContinue reading “New Adult Genre”

Update: Spring 2024

I “springified” my website today and made the books page the home page. Hopefully, that helps with navigation. I do have a few more minor spring cleaning ideas for the Bad Cat Ink cyberspace, but there are no major changes this time. The flower clip art above was in a folder I collected for myContinue reading “Update: Spring 2024”

Mageling: Book Launch!

And there it is! The Mageling is now live on Amazon! The culmination of 10 years worth of work on a series that was over 30 years in the making. Or, as I like to say, “30 years worth of notes and drafts crammed into 10 years of ‘now or never’ publishing efforts.” I amContinue reading “Mageling: Book Launch!”

Mageling Update: Cover Art, Check!

Cover art reveal for Elf Gate Series book 8: The Mageling! This is the final book in the series. I set myself a deadline of one week to design the cover from start to finish, and I finished it by the skin of my teeth. There are still a few minor tweaks to be made,Continue reading “Mageling Update: Cover Art, Check!”

Mageling Update: Two Weeks!

I have spent the past month working on final edits for The Mageling, the final volume in the Elf Gate Series–thirty chapters in thirty days was the goal I set for myself. Today, August 31, I just finished the back matter. I am DONE! … Side note: I’ve had zero days off this month, soContinue reading “Mageling Update: Two Weeks!”

The Chandelling Is LIVE!

Surprise! The Chandelling is now live at Amazon and Smashwords! This is book 7 in the Elf Gate collection — a dark fantasy e-book series set mostly in the fae realms. It is the second to last book in the series. If you have been following the Elf Gate series from the beginning, Aija andContinue reading “The Chandelling Is LIVE!”

2021 … 2 Weeks of Chaos, So Far …

I honestly don’t know what else to title this post. I intended to refresh all of my social media pages in January, and kick it off by wishing everyone a “Happy New Year!” But that didn’t happen, now did it? And considering what did happen, the first two weeks of 2021 have turned into aContinue reading “2021 … 2 Weeks of Chaos, So Far …”

Book Launch Time for The Teufling!

Amazon: Smashwords: From a little interview blurb on my Smashwords author page: Why did it take so long to publish the sixth book in the Elf Gate Series? In a word: life. Life-altering circumstances hit me with the first publication of the first book, and I have been trying to work around themContinue reading “Book Launch Time for The Teufling!”

Heading into the Homestretch

I’m trying out new designs for the blog, so pardon the construction mess. I liked the previous design for an art portfolio, but it didn’t flow with everything else that I do. I’m a versatile person, so I need a versatile theme. I will continue to play with this. Meanwhile, I have some good newsContinue reading “Heading into the Homestretch”

Shut Down to Lock Down

Remember when I posted this photo a few years back for a discussion on work spaces? Probably not, but this is how my home office looked for about 10 years. A home office was something I always dreamed of before moving here because it was difficult to compose a series of novels while working rightContinue reading “Shut Down to Lock Down”